This can can can your rubbish, garbage, refuse, detritus, and plain ol' trash. A trash can that has been knocked over will produce a pile of trash, and must be picked up by a teen or older Sim before it can be used for garbage disposal again. Children and teens with a low aspiration score may also autonomously kick the outdoor trash can, and messy pets may knock it over. Passersby may also kick the outdoor trash can over if they are enemies or furious with one of the members of the household, or if they have very few nice points. This will come at a slight cost to hygiene. Sims with less than two neat points can 'Salvage' from the outdoor trash can, which yields the scavenging Sim a few Simoleons if they find something.
Sims may autonomously empty a garbage can even if it is not yet full. Garbage cans function similarly to those in The Sims.